
Groupon, & My Costa Rican Adventure


Its always an adventure traveling. Delayed flights, lost bags, culture shock illnesses. I still strive on the unknown though. A new city, other’s culture, different food, waking up in airports, sleeping on busses and the people you meet along the way. Coming down from that high of wanderlust, I am on cloud nine, So I better get this out now before it wears off.

I woke up in the airport this morning and after only 3 hours of sleep, some how feeling rested & ready for whatever was about to get in my way. The early morning air whizzed past as the automatic doors opened, letting the masses in for their flights. Fighting for the front of the line, employees starting their day, music and lights turned on around. Heading back home provided lots of time to reflect about this last week, but making sure to squeeze in those last hours of some of the best people watching. You hear the best stories from the people you meet in airport bathrooms at 4 am, you’ll be surprised what people will tell you if you just listen.

When I was younger, I was seriously blessed with quite a lot of travel. They were big groups with agendas, missions, lists and a purpose.. and now Im Katy Karns the travel addict which is blessing and a curse. I haven’t traveled like this in some time, but that itch to explore gets worse as I get older. Thats were Groupon comes in, It was a GREAT deal. Not only because we saved tons of money, but it provided hassle free excursions and a chance to meet people and make lasting friendships. When my friend asked if I would go halfies on a adventure deal, the thought of a group of couples made me sick. I said yes anyway.

There is something about getting thrown in a group of complete strangers for a 8 days that just makes you makes you be present. No time for mind chatter, or negative thoughts. Having to get along and watch out for all the small dangers we sometimes take for granted for in the states. Everyone was in different stages in their lives and had different ways of looking at the world. Some how this group of 22 made a great team. I am excited to call some of these people life long friends. You tend to learn about people real fast when your stuck on a bus for hours at a time enduring long days of experiences that you’d never thought possible. But they brought the Yes women out, and for that I am grateful.

When you go somewhere like Costa Rica, you remember what your capable of, what scares you, and where you draw the line. The amazing Guide ( Andre ) took us on an epic day. Horse back riding, whitewater tubing, Zip lining, a evening at hot springs with clay mask and that was just the first day. Days 2- 4, were packed full of traveling by bus seeing the different regions, sites and learning about the country. 5, 6, and 7 where were in the oh so colorfu l city of Samara. Did I mention how great our guide was? Let me just put it out there, he needs a raise!

As much fun as we had it wouldn’t be an adventure if some stuff didn’t go wrong. From People Losing their shorts tubing, maybe the occasional awkward couple tif to some of the worst costumer service I have ever seen. I just chalked it up to “you get what you pay for” and enjoyed my cold showers. Im pretty sure it would have made one hell of a reality show though, humm… I should get a hold of Groupon #groupontravelwriting? #grouponsponcerme? Is that how that # thing works?

Feelin awake, ready & Oh So Grateful


Sky Tram in the Cloud Forest
Sky Tram in the Cloud Forest
Who knew that Zip lining starting in Costa Rica?
Who knew that Zip lining started in Costa Rica?
Hot Springs and mud baths
Hot Springs and mud baths