
Hands of Peru

With ticket and camera in hand, I headed to Peru realizing that I had bit off a little more than I could chew. My vision was to create the opportunity for myself that I had always dreamt of, to immerse myself in a culture that is different than my own and capture my surroundings. What I forgot was that’s hard to do that when you don’t speak the language  I promised my self that I was going to really learn Spanish before I left.  I got the CDs and the apps that seemed to remain on tomorrows To Do list. I took it in middle school but still I can only ask I can ask for the bathroom, and if this was the library. Since I didn’t learn the language I had to rely on my expressions and hand gestures to what got me through in times of difficult communication.

As a bodyworker, I work with my hands and I have found it has an effect on how I communicate with the world. But throughout this trip, I have grown an even greater appreciation for our capability to communicate with our extremities. So over this trip, I began to capture just how much we accomplish with our meat hooks.  Without knowing it I was gathering a series that highlighted the hard work and the craftsmanship of all things Peru.

What I found was that Peru is a vibrate culture that is still sticking to many traditions as the modern world takes over. I enjoyed learning out to make and dye alpaca wool but also drinking Piscos in the city. And even in times where we could not speak one another, the still should me to which fruit to pick trees, gave me directions when I was lost on my bike, and taught me to enjoy all the foods that I could get my hands on. (see what I do there; ) My last reminder I was reminded that picking out your own produce from locally grown farms is not just the fad. Its a way of life that should stick around.

I came home from my trip, reflecting what I thought my adventure was about and what reality actually had in store for me.What I found going through my photos was, I was obsessed with hands.





Living on a Bus with a Boy

There was an article in the SF Gate about tiny living spaces in the Bay Area, shining a light on the benefits and challenges of such a lifestyle. Since my boyfriend and I have converted and lived on a short school bus for just about a year in the bay area, we qualified to apart of the expose. I was excited to get a chance to share my perspective and possibly philosophical theories about the complications and compromise of living with someone in a small space that I had yet to vocalize.

The mindfulness, organic, sustainable living, #vanlife/skoolie #blessed life is big on the interwebs. You kind find Vlogs of those who have taken the leap to live the lives that they want. People who are ok with not living in the norms of society, and heading on wheels is the new hip fad. This idea that has been around in some form since… well forever.  found a new generation with a twist; recycled wood and plaid.  Basically, my stance is us humans can acclimate to anything and I wanted to see if I myself, could in fact step out of my comfort zone. Plus I’m broke and wanted to try to cheat the system. Could this spoiled brat learn what it means to live minimally? Well, the answer is yes and no, and after a year I thought I could shine light on the lessons I learned, which is why I was stoked to be in this article.

I rushed to click our link. I quickly realized that I didn’t feel well represented in what I think has been a fully dual effort in maintaining this lifestyle. I couldn’t decide for days if I was being a brat and letting my self-worth get the best of me. “I want to be noticed” my ego screamed.  My expectation was that both parties gave insights of the hardships of bus living, we share the hardships together, we should have share our story together. But this wasn’t the case when the said article popped up on my news feed.

I’ve never felt the patriarchy more when I was only quoted saying “we have a chemical toilet but it’s better for both parties if we use it for number one situations” which only leaves the reader to imagine where I take my morning dump. The real answer is at yoga, Safeway, Starbucks and my ever supporting friends who I jokingly call my “friendshits” After sending what I thought was a good insight into the reliability in to our lives, the only real thing they wanted from me was the nitty-gritty, down to it potty talk. It was almost as if No a women admitted to taking a dump?! Alert the press and print that shit instead: “This woman could be defecating in your neighborhood Starbucks!”

Then the internet had a chance to tell us when they thought. Oh Dear LORD! I have never experienced trolling. I was totally affected by the haters and the supports passing their judgments on one another’s comments. It was disheartening. “you’re never supposed to read the comments!” my boyfriend said. I hate it when he’s right.

This isn’t me striving to quite the haters or even change their minds, this is the only thing I can do to attempt to be heard in this loud world. I thought I’d add my real answer to this; add more photos and the article of our little life.

What is the hardest part is about living on the bus?

I think that life is hard, plain and simple. Isn’t supposed to be? The things that you struggle with are the things that make you stronger. Or so I have been told. I have just simply decided that I wanted to struggle in a way that made me grow in a completely different way, no better, no worse, just different.  That being said, I started living on the bus a year ago and it seems as if the difficulties are almost the same.  Yes, of course, my home could possibly get a parking ticket, the bus can break down (and has multiple times) or there it is a possibility that a fellow street dweller disturbing the peace. But as I see it everyone has some sort of those problems, they just manifest in different ways. I almost see it as my rent; dealing with breakdowns and my “neighbors” is my monthly bills if you will.  I think there are 2 things that I would say are the most difficult part about living on the bus is 1. The laws that make it hard for us to do so. Its hard to get insurance, you cant park in neighborhoods, and cops are always trying to find ways to give us tickets. & 2. Having to be aware of where public bathrooms are.

The maintenance and cleanliness of my bus is very much needed because god forbid I start actually start feeling like a homeless person. Oh, wait I am. When we let our chores go by the wayside, is when it starts to feel like a little more of a situation that I have to be in and not a lifestyle that I wanted. Which brings me to my second issue I deal with is when people ask where do you live. Sometimes you don’t want to go in to the ideals and struggles of bus living with complete strangers and or friends, but when you say you live on wheels there is almost also more questions.

As for living in such close quarters with my boyfriend has been a learning experience for sure. I had to learn about his morning bowel movement routine, just as he has had to learn about my menstrual cycle. Couples get in fights, but having to maintain such a close distance only makes us work though our issues that much faster. There is no telling him to sleep on the couch. Only making me learn once again that doing the hard thing usually wins in the end.



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expectations, compromise & body scrubs


I have fallen in love with the trend of using more natural ingredients for cleansing. As a child from the 90’s that was always spending my allowance to buy all the nose strips, zit removers, pore minimizers and any clay bullshit that Longs was selling. Always leaving the cure in the beauty industries hands. Little did I know that I could help my self with products that I had in my own household and most of the time can ingest. Guacamole face mask anyone? I’m only sort of kidding. *Future post?- Getting your guy to enjoy self-care with Coronas and avocado masks.

Self-care has become another commodity. The same industry that tells us that we are not yet perfect assures us that the products will take away your insecurities. Seems to me that “they” are just capitalizing on our anxieties, which they created. Which in turn it makes it hard to keep the mentality of self-reliance.  I became aware of because I saw spa’s overcharge for salt scrubs and hot towels making it hard for people who can’t afford luxuries. In the years that I spent working at spa’s, I was to witness just how much money is spent on tightening, minimizing, exfoliating and “detoxing” But I couldn’t ever shake the feeling that it just wasn’t right. Don’t get me wrong, I have fell victim to the quick fix mentality. Believe you me if my credit cards could talk. The “Swipe it, Give it & Treat YO self” state of mind is engrained in our media.

Mindfulness is trendy. Coconut oil, charcoal and Detox, OH MY! *Later post- why detoxing ain’t a thang. But I’ll be the first to admit it, I am one to follow the mindfulness craze. The change has honestly transformed the way I think about what makes up the nourishment that I put in and on my body and it has made all the difference. Once I realized it was a lifestyle change of enjoying the struggle,  It clicked and I just had to share.

I feel strongly about this change in my life mostly because it has come from necessity. Also known as: I’m broke.

Most importantly I think that it is important to take time from your hectic life, the days where we are over stimulated and overly aware that productivity can just be an email away. It has got this generation unable to unwind.

This is my attempt to share some of my favorite ways to break away from the everyday routine without breaking the bank.


Steam YO face- Boil up some water. First, pour some into a cup and make your self a relaxing tea OR just pour your favorite red wine! Now your ready to get a large bowl of steaming water. Put a towel over your head and hover your face, taking nice deep breaths. Starting the awareness of breath sounds corny BUT hear me out, try the inhale for 4, hold for 4 and exhale for 4 seconds. Give it a couple of cylces and tell me you dont feel more relaxed?!

  • Adding tea tree oil adds to the purification and opening of your pores (but just for the steaming of the face! Learn from me and  DONT ADD TO THE BATH… it’s spicy)

Take a Bath- Pick a rose and spread those pedals or drop some of your favorite essential oils . Also adding Epson salt is always a great way to soak up some much-needed magnesium, giving those muscles of yours a little extra love.  https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/

Scrub YO self- Mix your coconut oil and used coffee grounds together for the perfect facemask. Take another container mix your coconut oil with brown sugar and scrub the moister right into your loving pores. Soak in moisture. (Containers for at the ready use at any time as seen in photos below)

& Sit with YO self- in the spirit quieting the mind, turn off the music and just see what arises. Try a couple of  4-4-4 breaths get to work by relaxing!


THEN RISE! I know this seems foolish to tell you to wash it off, but it’s more of just getting the grit off and more of making a ceremonial time for your self. Go into your next day with a new layer of skin, a clear mind and shimmering face.







Adventures · Wanderlust · Women's travel

Women’s Travel Fest, My day surrounded by inspiriting women


Its been a little over a week since I got an opportunity to help at the Women’s Travel Fest in San Francisco. A weekend focus on everything surrounding safe adventures and empowering women around the world. I got a glimpse of festival just going to their Saturday activities; talks from some of the most inspiring women in the business. With tricks and tips to all aspects of travel and some amazing networking opportunities with top companies worldwide. I am still glowing from all of the information and amazing stories I was lucky enough to hear.

We walked from table to table to each sponsor learning from tons of like minded people with lots ways to travel. From Muddy Shoe Adventures to volunteering with Servas International. Each table another goody to remember them by,  I am now just able to sit down and look through my grab bag, Filled with sponsors promos; IMG_3121Sunglasses from Hotelstonight.com along with discounts for first time users, a well thought out and convenient Chico Bag labeled by Interpidtravel.com, Luna Bars and even some iPhone chargers that were stockily orange for Tripit.com campaign. It came with feminine products like designer nail wraps and the small, discreet, on the go wipes for women from HealthyHooHoo.com. There were also recipes from all over, one in particular, from TravelingSpoon.com for Masala fried potatoes that were incredible.

All the women had stories and ideas that held the audiences attention, each had something different to offer but all worked toward the same goal. To explore and inspire each other everywhere. There were the three women in particular that were truly eye opening and left a long lasting inspiration for adventures and gave me a kick in the butt that i needed. WTF

Felicity Aston The British explorer’s story was compelling. She is the first and only woman in the world to ski across Antarctica alone. The 1084-mile, 59-day journey completed in January 2012. A true inspiration and one hell of a story teller.  There wasn’t a dry seat in the house when she finished stories about the struggle to live out her dream. Truly AMAZING!

Patricia Schultz was the second speaker that comes to mind. The author of the international bestsellers 1,000 Places to See Before You Die, she was a women with many stories that really gave the audience a serious case of Wanderlust.

Laura Ling is an award-winning journalist, shared her stories. Ling and her colleague Euna Lee were arrested and held captive in North Korea for 140 days before being granted a special pardon and returning to the United States.To hear her struggle was mind altering.


Above was one of the questioning panels with host Kelly Lewis, who happens to be the founder of Women’s Travel Fest. On top of founding this festival she’s also the founder of Go! Girl Guides, the world’s first series of travel guidebooks made just for women. Their mission; to help inspire and empower awesome women around the world to travel boldly. – Which you can check out at Gogirlguides.com


Next year is back in New York and I already cant wait, I will have to go and for the whole weekend this time! And If you want to join next year, make sure to  Womens Travel Fest on Facebook for all the updates!


Indonesia.. Eat, Stretch, Pray.. & Repeat.


I needed to break free & find my self… All the cliché reasons that 20 something year old’s say when they want to travel. Ubud translated; means Medicine, so I thought it was just the perfect place for my holistic month away for a yoga teacher training. Deep down, I wanted to know what would happen if I locked my self up with a bunch a yogis in a foreign country. Would  I come home a skinny, happy, enlightened, Yogi? No, this is not another Eat, Pray, Love. The last thing you need is another story of a women’s struggle to find enlightenment. Although, I did love that book.ubud2

There is a  slight humidity situation, a couple of days of unpredictable weather, and the creatures in the jungle environment kept me on my toes. The town is full of transits, backpackers, & yogis. The main streets paint the picture of a organic, fresh, healing and a spiritual community.  And they sure sell the hell out of it. Every sign reads; Raw, Sustainable, Superfood & super good for you.  Because they make money on the tourism, you walk the streets as a dollar sign. I found it hard to connect with the locals at times, when all you hear is “Ill give you the special price”. Haggle is all I’m saying.  That being said, I met some incredible people,  and heard some fascinating stories.  You never know what you’ll find out, if you just shut up and listen.  The kindness and warmth that the home-stay couple that I stayed with was amazing, and I can’t thank them enough. If you looking for a place in Ubud, its called the WHouse! Tell them I sent you : )


Eat: Ubud had amazing food, crazy fruits and healthy options at great prices. You can really get anything there. From the traditional Indonesian cuisine to Italian and Indian choices. The locals served the main dishes of noodles or fish, tofu, and rice, spices OH MY…  it was great but the fruit is was what I got excited about. Rambutan, Snake fruit AKA Salak. Of course the coconuts… good lord, I miss the coconuts! Starting your day with a fresh coconut can be addicting. After our long day of class, my fellow future Guru’s and I would head out dinner, and then we would indulge in the “healthy” desserts… you got’s to treat yourself, right?


ubud7Balinese people place great emphasis on dramatic and aesthetically satisfying rituals at one of the many temples.  Scattered throughout villages is their religious expression  that is deeply interwoven with in art and structures. Offerings, line the streets during one of the many holidays. Galungan started when I arrived. It was 10 Days of music in the street, and kids dressed up in the customary Barong dancing for offerings…. By the 3rd day, I was tapped for cash, after the constantly donating to these cute kids, but I’m a sucker. The temples, have I mentioned the temples? SO MANY TEMPLES!


OF course, we had our days off. We explored the near towns and close beaches. The men on in through out the town constantly who offered their services. “Taxi?”  they say, over and over. So finally got one, our driver took us to Sanur, a beach town. Just a two hour adventure down  the winding roads, through smaller and smaller towns. The traffic laws are hilarious, cause they don’t really exist. The idea is there, they are just not executed correctly yet. Scooters zooming past in all directions, car’s honking non stop and the occasional pit stop for a monkey sightings.


 Stretch: As I mentioned before, my month long ‘Vaca” wasn’t the relaxing experience one would imagine. I signed up on a whim, like I do with most things, and quickly realized what I had got my self in to upon arrival. When I bubbly introduced my self to the first person I saw, my now great friend, looked at me with disgust because there was NO talking before breakfast… I swear my eye immediately started to twitch. I love talking, ESPECIALLY to new people! This was going to be a LONG month.  7:30am meditation and yoga practice till breakfast at 10. Followed by lectures on anatomy and philosophy, and then of course.. more yoga. It goes with out saying that we all struggled, and suffered together and came out stronger for it. AND I could not of done it with out them.

Pray:  Most of the time I was praying so that I could just make it through the next yoga class or meditation session. Worship and prayer is engrained in the culture so it was easier for me to maintain a sense “oneness” and receive the of benefits of the life style. Now if I could just maintain yoga 3 hours a day meditation and a fully organic diet, while back at home. It also was easier to maintain the goal of health and wellness when every type of healing was available. Yoga, massage, reflexology, sound & stone, breath and even dance options. I did it all.  I was poked and prodded from the reflexology guru, hyperventilated with in the breath workshop group, had every type of massage imaginable and even got blessed by shaman.

After the program we headed to Uluwatu  & Padang Padang.  After another two hour crazy taxi experience, we landed on another coast with the most beautiful cliffs I’ve ever seen. Tanning beds and infinity pools was what we wanted, and we got it. But we quickly found out selves renting scooters and running for the more local areas. We walked by a sign/ it was just a piece of wood. “transport” painted in red, nail to a tree. Needless to say I got a hook for my 2 hour cab drive back another to Denpasar for the airport.

After long periods of traveling, I find it hard to snap right back in to the flow of things.   I needed a good week of just working & locking my self in my room with Netflix, some books, a journal and more Netflix. Poor me, right? Whining after an incredible experience like this seems kind of counterintuitive, don’t you think? So after feeling all the feelings… I mulled it over and started to write.

I would do it all over in a heart beat




Just a Day in Tokyo

 How to have a day in Tokyo


When I booked my flight home from Indonesia, the icing on the cake was having a 15 hour layover in Tokyo. I took the red eye so that I arrived bright and early to Haneda International airport. Close enough to the main drag of the city to see some sites and have one last adventure before I was to head home back to reality.

  As much as I love traveling, the reality kicks in when your wandering the streets, with signs that you can’t understand and no one to talk to. No one to giggle my way through the awkward situations that these culture differences provide. I wasn’t going to let that stop me.

japan2Picked up the free guide at the information desk, asked for the best but least touristy sites and hopped on the train to the city. Since it was the last day of the month of traveling, I was looking for the free fifty free things to do. I am ever so grateful for the women at the counter for finding the perfect area for me to roam. Though.. it is her job, she was patient with the million questions I had about her culture.

I took the underground transpiration to the Asakusa and Sumida area. Temples, out door markets, street food, parks and shopping! Again, I had to lay off the shopping so I settled for people watching instead. One of my favorite past times.

Japan1Some how I did get suckered in to taking a ride on rickshaw, the most expensive 15 minutes of my life! Though it was kind of nice to get some cool facts and see a couple of things that I wouldn’t otherwise would have learned about.  He ran me past one of the last 4 known “time bells”. Before clocks, monks would ring these bells every two hours for telling time.

The temples were packed full of people, coming to admire the history. They came from near and far to receive one of many different blessings and fortunes that you can buy for some chump change. I got down in all the things that the temple had to offer, I loved it. Though I didn’t know whether I was doing them right or what they meant, I had fun anyway. I never felt so out of place though and that pictures that had been taken of me didn’t help. I rolled with the occasional stares and finger pointing and laughed my way through.

Getting my fortune

Next the markets, conveniently right outside the Sensolji temple. Beyond busy, Ive heard Japan is a jam packed city but this was insane. It was like bumper cars, just with people through the alleyways of the markets. No “excuse me” or  acknowledgment. Just swimming in a sea of people, until you could find your way out to the next stop to shop.


The street food was AMAZING! I felt like Anthony Bourdain. Grilled, fried and battered seafood on a stick or in a ball.. But certainly always on the go. Somethings I didn’t have the guts to ask or try what they making, but it sure was fun to see.

IMG_2941 copy

I was stuffed so I walked to one of the world’s tallest tower, the whopping 634 meters high Skytree. It looked closer then I thought but on the 30 minute walk I stumbled across a beautiful park and some more awesome people watching. The line for the tower was 3 hours and 30 dollars, so I wandered and window shopped some more. I started seeing to many stores we had back home, so I decided to get the hell out. I wanted the unknown. Be careful what you wish for, because ask and you shall receive. On my journey back to the airport as it was getting dark and I got lost. But then I remembered adventure is the best way to learn. I found a local bar and did what I know best, talk to people. Had some traditional Japanese food and a couple of warm Sake to make my journey back. They were kind enough to show the Asakusa subway that takes you right back to the airport. With enough time to spare, I have enough time to reflect and write this.


I loved getting a taste of Japan, and would love a chance to explore more of Asia. So here’s to hoping!

                        Peace, Love and Hope 

Groupon, & My Costa Rican Adventure


Its always an adventure traveling. Delayed flights, lost bags, culture shock illnesses. I still strive on the unknown though. A new city, other’s culture, different food, waking up in airports, sleeping on busses and the people you meet along the way. Coming down from that high of wanderlust, I am on cloud nine, So I better get this out now before it wears off.

I woke up in the airport this morning and after only 3 hours of sleep, some how feeling rested & ready for whatever was about to get in my way. The early morning air whizzed past as the automatic doors opened, letting the masses in for their flights. Fighting for the front of the line, employees starting their day, music and lights turned on around. Heading back home provided lots of time to reflect about this last week, but making sure to squeeze in those last hours of some of the best people watching. You hear the best stories from the people you meet in airport bathrooms at 4 am, you’ll be surprised what people will tell you if you just listen.

When I was younger, I was seriously blessed with quite a lot of travel. They were big groups with agendas, missions, lists and a purpose.. and now Im Katy Karns the travel addict which is blessing and a curse. I haven’t traveled like this in some time, but that itch to explore gets worse as I get older. Thats were Groupon comes in, It was a GREAT deal. Not only because we saved tons of money, but it provided hassle free excursions and a chance to meet people and make lasting friendships. When my friend asked if I would go halfies on a adventure deal, the thought of a group of couples made me sick. I said yes anyway.

There is something about getting thrown in a group of complete strangers for a 8 days that just makes you makes you be present. No time for mind chatter, or negative thoughts. Having to get along and watch out for all the small dangers we sometimes take for granted for in the states. Everyone was in different stages in their lives and had different ways of looking at the world. Some how this group of 22 made a great team. I am excited to call some of these people life long friends. You tend to learn about people real fast when your stuck on a bus for hours at a time enduring long days of experiences that you’d never thought possible. But they brought the Yes women out, and for that I am grateful.

When you go somewhere like Costa Rica, you remember what your capable of, what scares you, and where you draw the line. The amazing Guide ( Andre ) took us on an epic day. Horse back riding, whitewater tubing, Zip lining, a evening at hot springs with clay mask and that was just the first day. Days 2- 4, were packed full of traveling by bus seeing the different regions, sites and learning about the country. 5, 6, and 7 where were in the oh so colorfu l city of Samara. Did I mention how great our guide was? Let me just put it out there, he needs a raise!

As much fun as we had it wouldn’t be an adventure if some stuff didn’t go wrong. From People Losing their shorts tubing, maybe the occasional awkward couple tif to some of the worst costumer service I have ever seen. I just chalked it up to “you get what you pay for” and enjoyed my cold showers. Im pretty sure it would have made one hell of a reality show though, humm… I should get a hold of Groupon #groupontravelwriting? #grouponsponcerme? Is that how that # thing works?

Feelin awake, ready & Oh So Grateful


Sky Tram in the Cloud Forest
Sky Tram in the Cloud Forest
Who knew that Zip lining starting in Costa Rica?
Who knew that Zip lining started in Costa Rica?
Hot Springs and mud baths
Hot Springs and mud baths


Burlesque Hall of Fame


            I began my two-week trip by making the first stop in Las Vegas, NV.  The urge to flee to sin city has never been very strong, but when the opportunity arose to go support the Sizzling Sirens at the Burlesque Hall of Fame, I immediately re-routed my trip. Lord knows I love a good road trip, and the journey down to the island of misfits was no exception. With my cameras, burlesque wear, camping gear, hula-hoop and massage chair packed… I set off for the desert.


The weekend was filled with exploring the strip, stocking up on cheap bling at the stripper store, laying by the pool at the Orleans Hotel and watching the most amazing performances from internationally known burlesque community. I was overjoyed and completely honored to share my Vegas experience with these Burlesquers and Boylesquers. When the night came for the competion, everyone showed up and dressed to the nines. Who knew that glitter, feathers, pasties and stripping could be so inspiring? I laughed, cried, and was on the edge of my seat the entire night. I felt like a little kid with my reactions to the sparkle, glamor and the over the top movements over four hours of bliss.


Women and men of all sizes and colors got on the stage to stripe down to their glittery coverings. The great thing about burlesque as an art form, it requires an audience that hoots and holler for more. The feeling from the 800 people, who attended the event, was that each and every performer was a fellow family member of a community of misfits. The only other time I have felt so at home, was at Burning Man.


My love for strip tease has grown over the last year thanks the Sizzling Sirens Burlesque Experience. After taking their 8-week workshop, I became addicted.  I find myself wanting to perform again more and more every time I attend a show. Lady Whip N Cream had her debut, and introducing her is always a confidence booster. She’s confident, overly social and has certain sureness about her sexuality.  These are things that I struggle with in everyday life, but when I can bring out Lady, it seems effortless. There is something about playing someone else that helps you be yourself.


I have had had time to process the weekend, some thinking time on the road and great conversations with some loved ones, did the trick. This road trip has been turning in to a chance to better understand my artist process and the confidence that I myself need to produce. I never thought that taking your clothes off could evoke such emotion. But it did, big time and I cant wait to go back next year!